Language of the Stars and Magical Journeys with Megan

Megan sings and speaks The Language of the Stars along with clear spoken guidance for expansion like you’ve never felt before. Coming home to yourself in ways that you have longed for but never knew were possible.

Feel profound love that your soul knows innately and brings you into a state of receptiveness for great freedom, clarity and resolve.

Be it a single session or a journey of expansion and self knowing, this ‘work’ is about a deeper listening into creation, greater expansion, home coming to the extraordinary infinite being that you are. It will likely awaken or further awaken your own soul language, be that spoken, sung, drawn, danced… 

The way Megan works is entirely intuitive and Channeled. This often means tears flow as it touches true and deep. It also means you will find yourself in a new energy of clarity and receptivity.

The mind can drop the mental tangle as the Frequency of Pure Love flows into your every cell. Discovering and awakening to depths and dimensions that you didn’t even know existed within you!!

Although single sessions are very special, the ultimate magic is in the journey over a few months. The journey is fluid and open to different emphasis depending on what you want to explore. For some they like to simply receive the transmission. Others want to connect with their channel more and so there’s some more interactive aspects. At times there can be elements of mentoring.

Much like a relationship. The energy deepens and reveals more and more along the journey. 

All sessions are recorded and are yours to listen to over and over whenever and wherever. It will continue to be relevant beyond the live meeting and you will always get something new.

It was utterly transcendental and took me to very unexpected and totally magical places - something I've come to believe is your specialty.  My world has shifted in the most wonderful way. Laurie

  • It felt like what you were doing was connecting up all the circuitry. Doing a nice deep sweep up for what had come through Olivier and was to be integrated on a deeper level for me. You wove a circuitry together, through your sound and the light language, to allow it all to get activated as I got ready for the next bit and the next bit and the next bit

    Rosanna Hanness

  • Each time I listen brings such comfort and connection. I use it as a meditation, gathering fresh insights and gifts each time.

    Meghan Gilroy

  • I had the most exquisite experience of integration with ‘Grandmother Whale’ which brought me a profound sense of wholeness and self recognition

    Rosemary Quade Nichols

  • Thank you - What a shift! Its been a tough few years and Divine timing led me to having a one to one session with Megan. I arrived with some natural apprehension which soon faded away as I connected to the words, wisdom and gentle ways of how she works. This session has given me a framework/point of reference to keep returning to, and every time I do it's like I have grown a little more into a place of deeper kindness and understanding towards myself and my life. In a way I feel recalibrated - I was amazed at how easy Megan allowed me to unravel and remember my true essence. This work is powerful and has created lasting change for me for which I am incredibly grateful. Thankyou

    Phil Blackwood

Here’s a little taste of Star Song energy

More about Star Songs…

Star Songs are essentially the energy of Pure LOVE. 

They originate from star constellations, channeled by me, through Davish, light woman of the river bank.  The way it comes through me is a weave of English, Star Language, Song and Tone. It’s a whole body listening and receiving experience unlike any other. The messages and guided journeys of expansion and home coming are profoundly significant for the receiver.

Davish is eternally at the riverbank, bringing through star constellation frequencies for us. The water, a constant current of pure love, crystal clear and carries great wisdom and frequencies of an ever expanding consciousness.

Ready to connect?

Book a Star Song Session

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