Pure Love Frequency.
Megan & Olivier

Pure Love Frequency is a great portal for discovery, expansion, healing and awakening. From the deeply personal to the great collective uprising of consciousness.

Olivier Maxted and Megan Selby, Creators of Pure Love Frequency consider themselves guardians of this exquisite portal streaming with light and vibration.

They Sing and play channeled Music that flows into and profoundly touches hearts and souls all around the world. Bringing elevated states of being in peace, and deep connection.

This bring you home. It can be life changing.

Pure Love Frequency speaks to your Soul and your human-ness. Many people feel energy moving through their body and a new expansive freedom.

Megan sings and speaks the language of the stars.

These are songs, tones and frequencies of star constellations and pure love carried in the watery element of eternal wisdom which bring people into a deep space of love, release and peace.

Olivier has a strong Aboriginal presence with him when he plays didgeridoo.

This presence showed up right at the start of him playing Sound Baths in Brisbane, Australia.

He brings the essence of the Earth and Infinite Creative potential of the void, simply said, the great portal of possibilities and healing.

Olivier and Megan both channels Divine Loving Beings, Ascended Masters and Councils and frequencies of Light.

The loving frequency of Sound Healing brought them together a decade ago. From the very start they traveled with and evolved the mastery of their music into a refinement that is pure and powerful in it’s simplicity.

It has always been about love for both Olivier and Megan. Each with very different journeys into their Mastery of the Music they now create together. Both with a deep commitment and unquestionable knowing of the path they have carved.\

As well as Concerts and programs both Olivier and Megan work privately with awakened ones who love to know more of themselves in their fullness. Exploring and awakening to their multi-dimensional, infinite nature. Tapping into great love, great freedom and bliss. These journeys of magnificent expansion inevitably bring deep healing and peace.

A little about Olivier and Megan

Megan is a free and wild spirit and felt energy greater than her human self from a very young age. She experienced it as sensory feelings through and around her body and with tones and language that would naturally flow through her. This later became known to her as Language of the Stars.

She has always been tuned to truth which was often confusing in younger years but has become central to her perceptive ability to get to ‘the heart of it’ with others. 

For the last 15 years she has dedicated her life to what is most important to her… exploring voice, sound and presence and how we become free and find home in every moment.

Olivier is a citizen of the world, widely traveled and loved widely. He discovered his gifts when he began to play didgeridoo while he was teaching high school in Australia. His students became calmer and more receptive to learning.

Following his heart and the call of his spirit, he left his teaching career to do what brought him, and countless others, so much joy. The combination of Didgeridoo and Reiki became his specialty.

Olivier truly embodies living in a high vibration state, celebrating each moment as the divine unfolding of his soul’s eternal desires.

Both Megan and Olivier were born in Celtic lands of the United Kingdom and now live happily in Southern Portugal.

Ever learning, ever loving

Pure Love Frequency symbol - a golden drop surrounded by golden ripples.
It’s that depth that you take us to that I really appreciate, deep gratitude.
I’ve not experienced that depth before and it’s so beautiful… it continues to grow. It’s so beautiful to be aware of that and to use that in your everyday life.
My heart was expanding.
I just felt so connected with everything, it is so joyful, it is just so beautiful.
— Ilona, Cornwall, UK
Photo of Megan and Olivier sitting back to back with each other poolside.